APD Working Hard On Campus


Staff Writer

The fraternity that has been on the Lynn campus for the most time is Alpha Phi Delta since 2002.

“We started out as a strictly Italian fraternity but later became something more,” said Adam Okun, senior. “We have 18 brothers, ten from last year and eight that were inducted just this past weekend and we also have a spring recruitment coming up.”

This fraternity tries to take a step above the rest however considering they are very involved and included in other events on Lynn besides their own.

“We support the university and its groups such as BSU, Hillel and athletics,” said Okun. “We host our own campus events such as giving out root beer ice cream floats and even milkshakes.”

The brothers of APD. Stock Photo.
The brothers of APD. Stock Photo.

APD strives to make involvement their core.

“We even run food, clothing and toy drives and help the local community charities such as Helping Hands,” said Okun.

The fraternity always makes sure to put brotherhood above all and build life long bonds that last after four years of college.

They intend on going by their name Delta Psi meaning “our chapter name.” They have always gone by the motto “Earned not given.”

Just recently, APD celebrated their 100th year anniversary and are now training for the Greek Olympics game against the other Greek life hosted by Lynn and open to all.

“We have been undefeated,” said Okun.

So the fraternity not only provides brotherhood and fun events. But it also provides jobs in the fraternity to teach you responsibility.


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