In a World of Turmoil, Student
Organizations Spread Love

Lynn Students and Organizations Use Their Platforms to Uplift and
Unify the Community

By Gerard Jones, Managing Editor

Seeing friends, classmates or colleagues experience emotional toll, fatigue and confusion is a heavy burden. At Lynn University, however, action has been taken to lift the spirits with brotherhood and love.

Just outside the Christine E. Lynn University Center, the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) set up a table and handed out an assortment of candy. The brothers of SAE were not there for personal gain but instead to uplift others.

“There’s a lot of hate in the world, and we want to be visible on campus spreading some positivity,” said Pierce Reid, a Lynn sophomore and Lynn’s SAE Lambda chapter president.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the largest fraternity in the United States and the only international fraternity, making them a perfect example of brotherhood without borders. While SAE spread the love outside, students and faculty from the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) continued the festivities inside the building.

National Coming Out Day, an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day, is recognized on Oct. 11. This celebration is used to show support for those individuals who have embraced their gender identity, are open about their sexual orientation or are looking for support to do so. The CSI recognized the day with elaborate rainbow-colored decorations and cupcakes.

“I really hope everyone understands what this is all about,” said Bryan Manzanares, a Lynn senior. “It’s all about love; we want people to feel supported and free to be themselves.”

Manzanares’ sentiments were echoed by another senior at Lynn.

“Be you. You have to express who you are and not worry about what other people think,” said Nathalie Rodriguez.

Many students with different gender identities and sexual orientations visited the table, gathered information and shared positivity.

While television and social media can be a source of gloom and darkness, events like this can serve as a reminder that there is still light in the world. The spirit of brotherhood and love is contagious and can be spread with little acts of kindness.

Assistant Director of Student Involvement Laura Harding gives a cupcake to a Lynn
st udent. Photo/ G. Jones.

Some of the brothers of SAE pose during their tabling event. Photo/ G. Jones
A group of Lynn students approach a tabling event during “National Coming Out Day.” Photo/ G.

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