The Digital Marketing Perspective

How a Freelance Artist Created His Brand

By Nick Blanchette, Staff Writer
Online retail has provided many opportunities for college graduates to transform their chosen
majors and minors into viable career paths. As demonstrated by Craig McInnis, even the
unconventional freelancing career can be financially and emotionally fulfilling.
McInnis has pursued his occupational goals over the past 15 years by doing horror make-up, set
design, scenic painting, graphics and much more. With the help of online advertising, he has
been able to brand himself as a multimedia artist, proudly holding the title of creative director of
Fright Nights at the South Florida Fairgrounds.
“Do not underestimate the power of coupling online marketing with a call to action, like contests
and signing up for a newsletter,” said McInnis.
Being an entrepreneur in any field begins with putting plans into motion. Fortunately, for those
wishing to sell products, setting up an online store is often free and allows business owners to
place their brands directly in front of potential consumers with the convenience of mobile
devices. McInnis, who advertises his work on Meta, Artsy and his own website, explained why
he invests in selling his products online.
“It is a great way to diversify my audience,” said McInnis. “In addition, digital pay platforms
make it easier for people to click ‘buy,’ so it is often more likely.”
While online marketing sounds simple, it is important to keep in mind that all types of branding
come with unique challenges. Before making a profit online, entrepreneurs will have to cover
startup and overhead costs, including inventory and materials.
For McInnis, he acknowledges that it is vital to find a platform that delivers the amount of traffic
needed to generate sales.
“Many services make bold claims about visitors and engagement, but it is hard to quantify what
is true and what is not,” said McInnis.
Although there are risks to online branding, transforming one’s passions into profit can be
worthwhile as a means of creating a prosperous career.

Above: Craig McInnis is a freelance visual artist who creates and sells vibrant paintings and
murals. Photo/ C. McInnis.
Above: Craig McInnis’s studio provides a physical location for him to work and sell his products. Photo/ C. McInnis
Above:The Peach art gallery in West Palm Beach, Florida is home to many art studios, including Craig McInnis’s workspace. Photo/The Peach.

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