Graduating With Confidence

How to Get That Diploma in Style!

By Katie Zivley, Managing Editor, and Cece Diaz, Social Media Editor

Graduation is right around the corner, and there is a lot to do in preparation for the big day. Your outfit, shoes, hair, makeup and accessories are the main things to check off your to-do list. Graduation, overall, is such an important day for those graduating and those attending this prestigious occasion.

“I’ve worked so hard, and am so proud of myself,” said Beatrice Waterman, a senior. “I’m excited to graduate and get my diploma!”

Lots of students are excited to finally graduate, while some might be a little sad about leaving their second home at Lynn University. There are some who celebrate in style with their family and friends, and some keep the festivities modest with families and friends tuning in online.

“I am excited about graduation, excited to see myself as well as all of my friends and peers walk across the stage and be recognized for their accomplishments,” said Delaney Gould, a senior. “I am very comfortable with my position right now as I finish my undergraduate studies. I have a very solid and exciting plan that I am going forward with post-graduation that I cannot wait to get started on!”

Here are a few tips on how to graduate the right way.

The Night Before

Lay out your cap, gown, dress, shoes and all you need on the day of graduation to be ready for the big day. If you need to iron your dress or shirt, do it early and dress to impress. Try to get some sleep even though you are probably feeling nervous for the big day.


Get up with enough time to eat breakfast because, as we all know, it is the most important meal of the day. Refresh yourself with your normal skin care routine with the addition to listening to music; we love a great jam session!


Matching the perfect shoes with the overall look can be a little bit difficult. But here is a tip: Try to get neutral color heels for ladies and black or dark dress shoes for the gents. Something simple will do the trick.


With the amount of people that are going to be in the facility, you are probably going to sweat or, at the very least, get a bit heated. Stick with all-natural makeup if you plan to apply any, and make sure to put on makeup spray so it will stay on your face for a period of time.

“I’m excited to graduate, yet it is a bittersweet feeling because I have called Lynn my home for the past four years of my life, yet I feel like my time at Lynn has prepared me to face my next step in life,” said Geraldine Villarreal, a senior. “I’m proud of myself for being the first person in my family to complete an MBA, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the support and love I have received during my career from God, my family and friends.”

Each student graduating has a unique story that makes this day that much special for them and those who share in their joy. Graduation marks the closing of one chapter and is the first page in a new, exciting adventure. Enjoy it and make the best of today!

Congratulations Lynn Class of 2023. You did it!

Above: Senior Delaney Gould posing in her lacrosse uniform with a graduation cap. Photo/D.Gould
Above: Geraldine Villarreal posing in her graduation attire while smiling at the camera. Photo/G. Villarreal.
Above: Beatrice Waterman’s beautiful black slip dress is seen on a hanger ready to go. Photo/B. Waterman.

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