Elevating Musical Excellence: Jafet Diaz-Martin and Daniel Meneses’ Journey at Lynn University

Empowering Creative Voices Through Cross-Cultural Journeys

By Monika Goldbach-Bridgers, Assistant Social Media Editor

Jafet Diaz-Martin and Daniel Meneses, music conservatory students at Lynn University, symbolize the institution’s dedication to nurturing musical talents from around the world. Their diverse backgrounds and shared passion for music converge at Lynn, where they embark on transformative journeys of self-discovery and artistic growth, guided by the university’s unwavering commitment to excellence.

Diaz-Martin from Panama and Meneses from Costa Rica, found themselves drawn to Lynn’s Conservatory of Music to pursue their passion for music at an institution that has the same passion for its commitment to artistic excellence. For Diaz-Martin, Lynn represented an opportunity to expand his horizons and explore new artistic frontiers. Meanwhile, Meneses, saw Lynn as a gateway to realizing his full potential as a musician on the global stage.

“Arriving at Lynn University Conservatory of Music has helped me to accomplish one more goal and has helped me open many doors in my career that seemed far away,” said Diaz-Martin. “The preparation took years, during which I had to prepare myself musically and adapt to the language, primarily linked to music.”

For Diaz-Martin, the Conservatory of Music emerged as the ideal destination to embark on his cross-cultural journey, offering him the resources, mentorship and diverse learning opportunities necessary to flourish as a musician in an increasingly interconnected world.

Similarly, Meneses found himself drawn to Lynn’s vibrant musical community and the prospect of immersing himself in a rich tapestry of artistic experiences.

“These three years have been an amazing journey that I will recommend 100% to anyone who wants to study abroad and expand their horizons,” said Meneses.

Lynn’s global perspective and emphasis on cultural exchange provided Meneses, hailing from Costa Rica, with a platform to amplify his creative voice, enabling him to navigate the complex interplay of tradition and innovation in contemporary music.

“In 2023, I won first place in the Collaborative Piano and Brass competition held by the National Society of Arts and Letter, for this was fundamental to everything I have learned from my teachers, mainly from Marc Reese and Lisa Leonard, who helped in the preparation to compete,” said Diaz-Martin.

Similarly, Meneses expressed gratitude for the mentorship provided by Lynn’s faculty, acknowledging their role in shaping his artistic journey and helping him realize his full potential.

“The friends of the conservatory and the Dean, Dr. Robertson, have also been an amazing pillar to my growth,” highlighted Meneses. “They have helped me pay fees that otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to pay by myself. Those kinds of acts really help me to keep my motivation growing and knowing that there are people actually interested in your professional and personal growth. One day I [would] like to also help students in the same way; help them achieve their goals and dreams even if they come from not a very high-income household.”

Through personalized mentorship, immersive experiences, and a rich tapestry of cultural influences, Lynn’s University’s Conservatory of Music serves as a crucible for artistic exploration and self-discovery.

The journeys of Diaz-Martin from Panama and Meneses from Costa Rica underscore Lynn’s enduring commitment to fostering global artistry and preparing students to make meaningful contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of music.

Above: Daniel Meneses and his Professor, Marc Reese after Meneses fall music recital. Photo/D. Meneses.
Above: Jafet Diaz-Martin playing the trumpet on stage. Photo/J. Diaz-Martin.
Above: Smiling students holding trumpets and other instruments in class. Photo/Lynn University.

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