What’s Cooking at Lynn University

Dining Commons Staff Explain Cultural Considerations for Menu Planning

By Gerard Jones, Managing Editor

Preparing a meal for a small group can be stressful when considering the various dietary needs and preferences of each person. Now imagine cooking on a daily basis for thousands of people from all over the world.

Mary’s Kitchen, the server and hub of the Bobby Campbell Dining Commons located on the first floor of the Christine E. Lynn Center is responsible for providing diverse options for students, faculty and staff. Because of the university’s focus on diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism, the dining commons staff is constantly presented with a challenge.

“Our company is [from] over 80 countries, so we pull from that recipe book for inspiration,” said Sam Ramos, general manager of dining operations at Lynn University. “We are also fortunate to have staff from various countries who help ensure that our international recipes, ingredients and preparation techniques are authentic for each dish.”

The dining staff and administration are constantly searching for innovative ways to enhance the experience of on-campus dining. A program called “Lets Dish,” for instance, allows members of the Lynn community to submit recipes for consideration. The staff has also implemented a four week cycle to ensure there are no repeat recipes within that time frame. Patrons can expect new options in the “Expo,” “Comfort,” “Soup” and “Salad” sections of the dining hall each month.

Before presenting a new dish, the staff takes time to do a taste test. Students, faculty and staff are sometimes invited to be a part of this process and ae asked to provide unbiased feedback.

“Our menu is an ongoing conversation. We are proud of the work we do, but we are always open for improvement,” said Ramos.

To learn more about Mary’s Kitchen and Lynn’s dining operations, including ways to submit ideas, menu options and upcoming events, visit @lynndining on Instagram and Facebook.

Assorted Italian baked goods on display at Mary’s Kitchen. Photo/ G. Jones.
Canadian-inspired cuisine in the dining hall. Photo/ G. Jones.
A Mexican-themed salad bar created by Lynn Dining. Photo/ G. Jones.

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