Peer Mentorship Opportunity For Citizenship Project

Kristine Posey

Staff Writer

 Oct. 9 is the deadline for committed sophomore- senior students to apply to be a peer mentor for the J-Term citizenship project.

This is a remarkable way to give back while earning a stipend and gaining more responsibility. Peer mentors have the opportunity to teach and motivate students while giving back to the community.

“Citizenship project is a program that’s dedicated for the first year students…with less than 15 credit hours…there will be approximately 24 different classes this year… and they’re based around three themes…environmental, homelessness and poverty,” said Dr. Krift, professor apart of the College of Arts and Sciences.

“These are all issues that we face here in South Florida… we have a lot of Floridians, students all over the U.S and globally as well …we wanted to show some issues we face in South Florida and how we can have an impact on our community.”

The citizenship project is a unique and exciting approach to hands on learning. Students have the opportunity to help and interact with the community.

“It’s different than just sitting in a class… for me, it definitely brings a different aspect into the education…that’s so nice, I’m glad Lynn has the J-Term,” said Jonathan Francisca, 3.0 senior. “We got to go deep into the mangroves…it was incredible that we were able to clean that place…and maintain our habitat.”

There is also a wide variety of organizations Lynn works with to make a difference in the community. Peer mentors facilitate activities and work closely with the students.

“That’s the exciting part, is getting off campus and getting out there. Putting what we read and see to work… we are completely committed to working with our community, whether that’s working with Gumbo Limbo or Feeding South Florida and Habitat for Humanity,” said Dr. Krift.

Peer mentorship for the citizenship project is very rewarding. It is a great leadership opportunity.

“Being a peer mentor for the citizenship project gave me a wider perspective on the purpose of the program, said Sarah Northup, 3.0 senior. “As a freshman I had a great experience doing the volunteer opportunities but coming back to do it again outlined the service in a more defining way. I gained a better appreciation for our community presence and saw the importance of having new students being involved in the program.”

Participating in the citizenship project is a terrific experience. Committed, lively and motivated students are encouraged to apply.

Two credits are earned, a stipend is included and students have the opportunity to grow and give back to the community.  

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