Impacting Student Experiences

Students Engage With UN SDGs at Impact Series Event

By Spencer A. Backman,Copy Editor

On Friday, Sept. 8, Lynn University students and faculty engaged in a dialogue about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while volunteering at a local rehabilitation center.

Participants enjoyed a conversation discussing the importance of healthcare as part of Lynn University’s commitment to teaching the SDGs, focusing on the real-life impacts of access to healthcare and on how SDG 3 (Good Health and Well Being) applies to the world.

They finished by helping pack mental health kits to send to people at the Habilitation Center of Boca Raton, a Lynn-partnered organization.

“These Friday events take the theoretical side of talking about justice and fairness and makes it practical for people who say they’ve never done community service before,” said Ryan Norton, an instructor in the College of Arts and Sciences. “It’s a really good experience for them.”

These sessions are a great way for students to take advantage of experiential learning opportunities at Lynn, which provide students with a way to make a direct impact in the community and serve as positive additions to students’ resumes.

“This is my first introductory course to the impact series, and it’s definitely opened up my eyes to the discussions that are happening on campus,” said Victor Rodriguez, a student at the event. “I think colleges across the nation need to be addressing more of the SDGs.”

Several of Lynn’s Dialogues courses focus on the topic of key concepts in society. The event was part of the Dialogue on Justice and Civic Life, one the core courses at the university. It was also open to everyone on campus.

“The Impact Series serves as a deep dive into the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” said Director of the Social Impact Lab Dr. Regueiro. “By partnering with local organizations working on pressing social issues, we allow our students the opportunity to discover how they can get involved in creating positive change in their communities.”

If interested, students can learn more at the Social Impact Lab, located at the top floor of the University Center.

Above: TVice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Katrina Carter-Tellison joining students packing backpacks for children in foster care during the 2023 Citizenship Project. Photo/Lynn University Marketing.
Above: Lynn’s Social Impact Lab leadership team: Dr. Anna Krift (left), Dr. Antonella Regueiro (center) and Dr. Robert Watson (right). Photo/Lynn University.

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