Why Use Sunscreen?

The Most Essential Item in a Beauty Routine

By Onielia Wilson, Copy Editor

Sunscreen is an essential product everyone should include in their daily beauty routine because it protects the largest and most visible organ: the skin.

Sunscreen protects the skin from UV rays, prevents sunburn and reduces the risk of skin cancer. It also improves the skin’s overall appearance by preventing premature aging and contributes to a more even skin tone.

Applying sunscreen 30 minutes before going out in the sun is critical to maximize the benefits. People also need to reapply periodically after swimming or excessively sweating.

“I don’t go outside much, so I don’t wear sunscreen often, but I prefer Sunbum or Neutrogena when I use it,” said Catherine Isham, a junior.

Many people think sunscreen is only for hot sunny days, but the skin still needs protection when it is cloudy. UV rays can penetrate cloud coverage and cause skin damage, even indoors because they penetrate windows.

“I apply sunscreen to my full body every day because I don’t want to get sunburned,” said Pelo Zinyana, a freshman. “I am currently using Eucerin sunscreen, and I love it, but it took me a while to find a good one because my skin is dry and other sunscreens irritated it.”

There are many sunscreen options and choosing the best one can be challenging. The key factor is that the sunscreen should have at least SPF 30 and block UVA and UVB rays.

The next step is deciding what type of sunscreen is most suitable for personal skin needs. Chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin to provide protection and are easier to apply, but they can be harsh on sensitive skin. Mineral sunscreens sit on top of the skin and offer complete protection but can leave a white cast.

“I learned all about sunscreen from my dermatologist,” said Susannah Gernet, a senior. “I try to use it daily, but sometimes I forget.”

Placing sunscreen alongside other everyday morning essentials can make it easier to remember. People can also make a reminder on their phones until using sunscreen becomes a habit. With summer quickly approaching, and with it more hours of daylight, it is even more important to remember to apply sunscreen. Enjoy the sunshine but do not skip sunscreen in your daily beauty routine.

A student researching sunscreen options. Photo/ O. Wilson.
Pelo Zinyana showing the sunscreen she uses daily. Photo/ O. Wilson.

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