Peer Mentors Lead The Way


Staff Writer

Initially launched in 2012, the Center for Student Involvement’s (CSI) Peer Mentor Program is now thriving on campus.

The program, which originally consisted of a small group of students, now has 35 peer mentors. They are all upper-classmen who volunteer as mentors to first-year students.

Coordinator for Student Involvement Laurie Schulz oversees the Peer Mentor program.

“All first year students receive a peer mentor at orientation and they are guided through the first week of school by them,” said Schulz. “Peer mentors are great because they can help first year students transition into college life, helping students pick professors they may like or showing them around campus or simply being their friend.”

Being a peer mentor entails more responsibility throughout the year, not just during orientation. They email their mentees twice a month to let them know what’s happening on campus or answer any questions their mentees may have regarding being a college student.

“[Peer mentors] can reach out to their mentees and give advice about how to get involved or to serve as their first line of defense if the new student is struggling with anything, their peer mentor is there to provide them various resources,” said Schulz.

Many of the current peer mentors are busy students who are involved in different areas of campus. Some serve as presidents of clubs, or are even athletes.

“Being a peer mentor is really special to me because as a freshman I had an incredibly difficult time adjusting to life at Lynn,” said Sydney Trezza, sophomore. “Being a mentor is my way of trying to help others with this difficult transition. As a peer mentor I get the chance to help students who are having a difficult time transitioning by being a friendly face and by being someone who is constantly there for my mentees, whether it is just to listen to them or to actually do something for them.”

If students are looking to get involved with the peer mentor program, they can contact Schulz or visit her office in CSI on the second floor of the Student Center. Applications for next year will be released after J-Term.


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