An International Perspective

For two consecutive years, Lynn has held the number one spot in the U.S. News & World Report for “Most International Students, Regional Universities South.” Although many members of the campus community cannot vote in the upcoming election, many are passionate about the process.

The elections are well advertised throughout the media and on social media platforms. Many students from around the globe witness the American voting experience and environment first-hand.

“It is interesting to follow the debates and the election even if I am not able to vote, because the president who gets elected has control over the laws of international people too, so it does involve me,” said Giovanni Guaschino, a sophomore from Italy.

Every country has its way of organizing elections with different parties and political systems. Still, the idea of it could be similar even if in different environments.

“Even if I am not allowed to vote, it is fascinating watching the debates as well as how candidates promote themselves in a different country,” said Carlo Pezzana, senior from Italy. “I found it interesting to see how influencers and famous people are promoting voting on social media too.”

Civic engagement is significant at Lynn, and several Lynn community members are eager to see the outcome of the upcoming election.

“I enjoy learning about politics in general, so it is interesting to see how things unfold in the States,” said Karolina Smylek, a senior from Poland. “It is interesting to see how people face politics so that I can analyze the differences between my country and the one in which I am studying.”

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