An Online Journey Of Personal Growth

Del Valle Serves As Online Role Model

Lynn alumna Xiara Del Valle advocates for using social media to spread awareness about current issues and shows people how to use their platform as a role model. 

With more than 73 percent of the world’s population online, sharing information and personal experiences on the internet can be scary and sometimes invasive. Scrutiny and judgment can be intimidating and make it difficult to share stories or feel comfortable speaking up. 

“Being in a digital age where everything can be virally spread can be hard,” said Del Valle. “I do, however,  think we can take advantage of that and use social media as a way of connecting people and sharing stories.”

From struggling with depression and body image disorder to speaking out about sexual harassment, Del Valle uses the obstacles in her life to propel forward, and she urges others to do the same. 

“Sometimes we have to deal with these roadblocks that momentarily stop us. That’s just life,”  said Del Valle. “We grow when we begin to use these roadblocks as stepping stones and learn that we are so much more than what our situations may lead us to believe.” 

From blog posts to simple captions under her pictures, Del Valle ensures that she uses her platform for something that she believes in and stands firmly behind. Along with her personal experiences, Del Valle uses her social media to also raise awareness for her non-profit organization, It’s H.E.R. Business. 

It’s H.E.R. Business was created by Del Valle and two other Lynn students who wanted to help their community. They upcycle denim jackets and send the proceeds to Kayonza, Rwanda in support of the women’s center there. 

“I strongly believe that anyone has the power to make this world a better place,” said Del Valle. “Anyone has the capability to make a difference in their community, and it all starts by sharing your story and connecting with people.”

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