Reflecting Back On The Last Four Years

At 18 years old, students across the world submit thousands of college applications in hopes to be accepted into their dream school. They check boxes that say what they plan to do for the rest of their lives, all in the hopes of living the college dream life.

Yet, who really knows what they want to do at 18 years old? As graduation approaches rapidly, seniors are realizing how fortunate they were to be given so many opportunities at Lynn. With four years of experience, students realize that not everything is meant to be perfect; every mistake made is a lesson learned.

Jonny DeMoya, senior and member of the men’s soccer team, hopes underclassmen today realize how important it is to time manage.

“I would have done much better my freshman and sophomore year if I managed my time better,” said DeMoya.

Whether it be the combination of school, athletics, internships, organizations on campus and social living, the ability to time manage and prioritize responsibilities is crucial for a successful college experience. Unfortunately, improper time management leads to stress and anxiety, which in turn results in unnecessary pressure on one’s self. Grace Trumpfeller, who has dedicated the last four years to Lynn’s College of International Communication, wants underclassmen to refrain from being too hard on themselves.

“High school to college is a big transition,” said Trumpfeller. “It is okay to take baby steps to reach your goals.”

College is also a time for discovery and exploration. Whether on a South Florida campus, or miles away at a study abroad university, new opportunities are always available.

Sara McAveney, advertising and public relations major, with a specialization in graphic design, wishes she took advantage of the Center for Learning Abroad.

“I envy students who had the chance to explore outside of our community,” said McAveney. “I have never been outside the United States, but being at such an international school has made me want to travel now.”

The path to graduation may be far from a straight road for many. Some students transfer or change their major, while others take their time to receive their diploma. In the end, all that matters for most students is that they take every opportunity possible, make lifelong friendships, work hard in and out of the classroom and cherish the memories they have as a Fighting Knight.

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