What Does It Mean To Be A Fighting Knight

Gioia Sacco

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With Thanksgiving around the corner, there’s a lot to be thankful for on the Lynn University campus.

Many students are thankful for their families and friends, and more.

During this time of the year, there is so much to be thankful for… but are we thankful for Lynn, and attending such an amazing school? Are we thankful for the education we are receiving?

Well for me, I am. I can say I have never been more proud in my whole life to call myself a Fighting Knight. I’m going to be graduating in three years, I’m a copy editor for iPulse and I have an amazing relationship with my fellow classmates and professors that I get to see and greet everyday.

“There are many advantages to being a Fighting Knight,” said Victoria Elhelbawi, junior. “There’s a lot of diversity on our campus so we’re all able to experience new cultures from around the world. That’s what it’s all about here at Lynn, is the experience and the lifestyle of a new area.”


“[Lynn] gave me a chance where other college didn’t,” said Christopher Daniels, junior.

“ I am thankful because I have met such amazing people and have had such amazing experiences,” Sabrina Weinstein, sophomore.

“Honestly Lynn is such a positive environment. Most schools you can’t walk back to your room at 2 a.m. and not feel worried, but here it’s not even a second thought because it’s so safe,” said Sydney Lepselter, freshman. “I love the people and all of the opportunities. I also love the way they pay such close individualized attention to every student.”

“I’m thankful because not everybody gets to go to college, let alone a really good college like Lynn,” said Allen Baez, junior. “I’m very thankful to be attending one.”

Lynn University is unlike any other; being here one can feel the love and happiness that swarms through the campus. Especially during the holiday season, the school does a great job to remind us why we’re here. Everything we can accomplish is thanks to Lynn and the devoted faculty and staff.

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