The Fashion and Retail Association at Lynn

Your Fashion Career Starts Here

By Katherine Phelps, Staff Writer

If students love fashion and are looking to join a club this year, the Fashion and Retail Association might be the perfect fit for them.

This year’s Fashion and Retail Association (FRA) president, Kyra Jackson, shared her experience as president of the association.

“I always knew that I wanted to be the President before I graduated,” said Kyra Jackson, a senior. “I have been in the club ever since I was a freshman, and I was a secretary last year. I put a lot of hard work and dedication to become the president of the association. I knew I had the leadership skills and this was an opportunity to implement what I wanted to see in the association.”

Aside from FRA meetings occurring every Wednesday, members can attend and work on many events, including various fashion shows at different local department stores like Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. To prepare members for the fashion world once they graduate, speed styling on male and female models, LinkedIn profile photos, movie nights, board game nights, a mocktail mixer, learning about different people in the fashion industry, and Lip Sync battles are just a few additional ways the FRA helps provide students with an edge in the world of fashion and retail.

“These activities allow members to learn and prepare,” said Jackson. “In addition, I make a conscious effort to ensure that they are gender neutral.” 

This past October, the FRA worked at an event called PAWS, a fundraiser and fashion show at Neiman Marcus in Boca Raton. The event had dogs for anyone who was interested in adopting them. FRA members had the opportunity to work at the event, dressing models in clothing for the fashion show. 

“The goal for the association is to recruit more male students to be a part of the club,” said Jackson. “Fashion isn’t just for girls; I want anyone to be a part of FRA.”

Jackson hopes to implement several new ideas this year, such as a theme for the FRA annual fashion show in March, where inspiration to include a theme comes from the Met Gala. Other ideas include a collaboration with Haute & Honey, an FRA members store, a ‘shop and sip’, and networking events for Lynn students to showcase their business.

For further information about the Fashion Retail Association, visit their social media on Instagram: @lynnufashionandretail and TikTok: @lynnufashionandretail.

A photo of Kyra Jackson. Photo/ K. Jackson.
A photo of clothing for models for the PAWS fundraiser event and fashion show at Neiman Marcus this past October. Photo/ Instagram @lynnufashionretail.
A photo of PAWS fundraiser event at Neiman Marcus that FRA attended and dressed models for the fashion show this past October. Photo/ Instagram @lynnufashionretail.

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