Healthy Habits For A Healthier You

Start the fall semester with a positive mindset.

By Ava Margolis, Staff Writer

With the start of the fall semester, students’ days are full of classes and activities. Remembering to take care of yourself can be easily overlooked. Creating healthy habits is essential for all students to reach their full potential. 

“When the new school year starts, I try to focus on having a set time I go to sleep every night, getting seven hours of sleep, spending time in the sun, eating balanced meals with a carb, protein and vegetable, and exercising every night.” said Jakob Friedman, a senior. “I try to create specific routines for myself to be my best.”

Eating well, getting more than five hours of sleep and exercising are ways to improve one’s day. Students who have mastered one or all of these habits have given their advice to help peers who may need assistance creating a healthy routine.

“”I enjoy going to hot yoga. I make it a routine during the school week to go early in the morning to prepare myself for the day,” said Olivia Simpson, a senior. “Incorporating yoga into my day has changed my life. I not only feel present with myself, but I feel like I can handle anything that comes my way. Yoga is incredible for not only the body but the mind.”

Lynn is aware of the importance of staying physically active. The university is currently in the process of building the brand-new Wellness Center across from the Lynn University Center, where students will have the opportunity to exercise with high-quality equipment, take various wellness classes and receive nutritional guidance. 

“My first couple years at Lynn, I usually ate at the cafe between classes. When I skipped a meal, it affected my attention span in the classroom,” said Lexie Van Orden, a Lynn alumna. “Eating between classes allowed me to be much more attentive.”

The Lynn Cafe offers food any student can enjoy. Whether it is from the salad bar or a hot meal, having access to a well-balanced diet is a priority at Lynn. 

Rethinking what creating a healthy habit means allows students to create daily routines that allow them to be their best in the classroom and beyond.

Above: Jakob Friedman enjoying the sunshine he incorporates in his daily routine.

Above middle: Olivia Simpson feeling energized after a hot yoga class at her local studio.

Above: Lexie Van Orden eating a healthy meal after class.

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