Is Music a Study Aid?

Exploring how music may help students

By Onielia Wilson, Assistant Editor

Listening to music can be an aid or a distraction while studying and students at Lynn University have experienced both.  

Over the years, numerous studies have evidenced the benefits of listening to music while studying. Music activates both sides of the brain, allowing for creative and analytical skill improvement. Listening to music also improves concentration and motivation, which students often require to complete assignments. 

During the semester, students may experience stress, anxiety and fatigue. Studying and meeting assignment deadlines can exacerbate these experiences; however, listening to music can provide students with a sense of relief.

“I like to listen to music while I’m studying. It keeps my brain awake and active by giving me something I enjoy while doing work that I don’t enjoy much,” said Nabiya, a freshman at Lynn. “Music moves me, it gives me a lot of motivation.”

However, music may not always be beneficial to students in their studying experience. Listening to music while studying and completing assignments can also prove to be a distraction. If a student already has difficulty working with multiple pieces of information at a time, listening to music and trying to multitask while studying may not be helpful to them. 

“I have never tried listening to music while studying. I don’t think it will work for me. I like to focus on one thing at a time and I think that music can be very distracting,” said Dan, ajunior.

The way students listen to music while studying can impact the extent to which it may benefit them. Experts recommend students listen to music at low volume because loud sounds may be overpowering. Listening to slow music with minimal or no lyrics is best to prevent confusion.

“I listen to classical and opera music when I study. I prefer when there are no words because if I start singing along, I will stop paying attention to what I’m studying,’” said Victoria, a Lynn University freshman.

Music can be a study aid for students while presenting a challenge for others. It is important that each student discovers and utilizes the method of listening to music that benefits them most.

Above: A student sleeping on study material. Photo/K. Grabowska

Above: A student studying while listening to music. Photo/ K. Grabowska

Above: A student studying with no distractions. Photo/ M.Niklov

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