How to Reconnect as A Commuter

Commuting students feel disconnected from Lynn campus 

Xamantha Del Valle 

Commuting students at Lynn University are feeling disconnected from campus as a result of the separation between living on and off campus. 

One of the best things to experience at college is the newfound community and experiences to share across campus. Between clubs, sports and the other various activities, there is so much to enjoy about the college life. However, for students who commute, this connection to campus life can be lost. 

When it comes to partaking in campus events, there are a lot of factors to consider for commuters. One of the larger issues is the traffic and parking situation. This entails having to plan the day accordingly. Students often have to wake up early to ensure they have a parking space before it gets too crowded. 

“I have to get up extra early, around 6:20 [a.m.] because I have to leave earlier due to traffic,” said Daniella Espinoza, junior. “I live about 30 minutes away, but I have to leave at least 45 minutes before my 8 a.m. [class] to avoid getting stuck in traffic.”  

Typical everyday activities, such as eating, can also become a contributing factor to feeling disconnected. Most commuting students do not have a meal plan and will either have to go hungry, purchase a meal or bring their own food. The cafeteria is a common area for students to come spend time with their friends. 

“Commuting does affect my relationship with friends,” said Espinoza. “In a way, I would say I’m disconnected, mostly because I don’t hang out at the caf or at the dorms.”   

However, as living on campus is not for everyone, there can be benefits to coming back and forth. 

“Even though it is more convenient to stay on campus, I don’t regret it,” said Espinoza. “As a person who likes my personal space, I don’t think I would enjoy staying on campus.” 

Maintaining a good relationship with campus can be difficult when students are not living on it. Joining clubs, going to athletic events and even supporting fellow classmates are great ways to stay active and involved. Utilizing the Lynn Events App is also a good resource for staying updated on everything taking place on campus. 

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